Upgrading Your Carbon Black

If you have an tire pyrolysis project that produces low grade landfill carbon char and want to produce high grade carbon black and activated carbon, there is no need to waste time trying to evaluate the project’s costs and merits because we evaluate dozens of projects and potential projects each month, which keeps us current with environmental regulations, permitting requirements, and perhaps most importantly, equipment costs, both designed and installed. With this level of expertise, the Klean Team can creatively look at your situation and offer the best possible solution at the best price, call us for a consultation. We can provide detailed budgetary capital cost quotes for early consideration by prospective customers.

Our carbon upgrading technologies convert raw pyrolysed carbon rich char into reinforcing carbon black fillers with improved performance characteristics. This upgraded carbon is then used in a multitude of applications for blending with commercial grades of carbon blacks for use in automotive rubber parts manufacturing and for the production of activated carbons for flue gas emissions treatment and waste water cleaning applications.

Klean Commodities offers 2 unique solutions for increasing the value of your tire derived carbon char and offers an optional carbon buyback program where we buy back the finished and upgraded high quality carbon black and or activated carbon black. We have a massive demand for our carbon materials and have customers on waiting lists for such products. The technologies, designs and engineering is owned and provided by Klean Industries Inc.